
2017 Summer Conference

Delighted to announce details now of my 2017 Summer Conference. 'Tech on the Tyne' will be held at BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art (Gateshead) on Friday 9th June 2017.
'Talk on the Tyne' will be back once more on the eve of the conference, but from next year this will also be held at BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art.
From 2017 onwards my summer conference will carry the name 'Tech on the Tyne' - The North's Education Technology Conference #techonthetyneand each year will be proceeded on the Thursday evening by 'Talk on the Tyne' #talkonthetyne The conference will always be held on the first Friday after the May half-term holiday.
Delighted to announce that the legend behind 'Sandwich Bot' Phil Bagge (@Baggiepr) as the first presenter for next year's Summer Conference 'Tech on the Tyne'. Continue to watch this space over the next few nights as the full lineup is revealed!